Institutional Archive of the DIPF
The DIPF archive preserves, indexes and administers all documents that emerged from activities of the Institute and its predecessor, the Hochschule für Internationale Pädagogische Forschung (University for International Educational Research, HIPF), in as far as these materials either possess lasting historical value or are kept for legal reasons as stipulated by the Archive Law of the State of Hesse (Hessisches Archivgesetz). Currently, the DIPF archive comprises roughly 40 meters covering the years 1950 until today.
The archive holds papers relating to activities of the governing boards, curators and foundation council, senate of the HIPF respectively later the research colleagues at DIPF. In particular, the documents concern minutes of meetings, correspondences, reports on activities and position papers.
Comprehensive and relevant papers have furthermore been saved from the research departments of “General and Comparative Educational Science” and “Educational Economics“. These papers contain materials of the research project "School projects in the Federal Republic of Germany” dating from 1953/54 and a documentation of the first international study of student achievement, FIMS (First International Mathematics Study) from 1964, and SSS70 (Six Subject Survey) 1970.
The archive moreover contains many documents that were not created by the boards, administrative bodies and the research departments of the Institute, but which bear a relation to DIPF and its history. These materials, for example, are related to the Society for the Promotion of Pedagogical Research (Gesellschaft zur Förderung Pädagogischer Forschung, GFPF), a documentation on educational policy in West Germany since the 1950s and papers of the predecessor of the BBF, the Central Pedagogical Library of the GDR.
The archive moreover contains a collection of photographs, a collection on the history of the Institute, and a collection of printed publications.