Observation at School – Learning to Observe

From a historical, theoretical and methodological perspective, the textbook introduces observation as a central element of pedagogical teacher actions and it inspires readers to reflect upon observation.

Project Management

Pedagogues' observations at school show effects. Due to observations and with them, images of children, adolescents and students are created. Against this background, pedagogical actions happen and decisions are made. Hence, observation is an essential part of daily pedagogical work. This textbook focuses on this central element of teachers’ pedagogical actions. A historical theoretical account is presented drawing on exemplary cases, in a methodologically comprehensive approach. The textbook enables readers to practice observation and at the same time reflect upon this activity.


Boer, Heike de/Reh, Sabine (Hrsg.) (2012): Beobachtung in der Schule – Beobachten lernen. Wiesbaden: Springer VS. 311 S. (Online: DOI 10.1007/978-3-531-18938-3)

Project Management

Project Details

Project type: Publishing project
Completed Projects
12/2010 – 12/2012
Contact: Sabine Reh