Friends of the BBF
The "Förderkreis Bibliothek für Bildungsgeschichtliche Forschung e.V. " (Association of Friends of the BBF | Research Library for the History of Education) was founded in 1990. It intends to bring together all people interested in strengthening the profile of the BBF as a cultural-scientific research institution and want to support the BBF by material and non-material means.
Goals and Tasks of the Förderkreis
- Organizing conferences, lectures and exhibitions together with the BBF,
- Sponsoring acquisitions and conservation measures foritems from the precious old holdings.
- Supporting cataloging and digitizing of library and achival items,
- Offering special guided tours to its members and
- Informing its members on the activities of the Förderkreis and the BBF.
Managing Board and Contact
Members of the Managing Board:
- Prof. Dr. Michael Kämper-van den Boogaart (chairman),
- Dr. Gudrun Wedel (deputy chairwoman),
- Fanny Isensee, M.A. (treasurer),
- Prof. Andreas Fritsch and
- Prof. Dr. Stefan Kipf.
Prof. Dr. Michael Kämper-van den Boogaart
c/o BBF | Research Library for the History of Education
Department of
DIPF | Institute for Research and Information in Education
10243 Berlin
E-mail: fb2VyZGVya3JlaXMtYmJmQGRpcGYuZGU=
Bank Account:
Förderkreis Bibliothek für Bildungsgeschichtliche Forschung e.V.
IBAN: DE80 1203 0000 0000 4465 42
Membership and Statutes
The annual membership fee is 15 € for personal memberships and 30 € for institutional memberships.