Research Team

Staff of the research unit of the BBF


Prof. Dr. Sabine Reh

Director of the BBF | Research Library for the History of Education and Professor for the History of Education at Humboldt-University of Berlin

Personal Homepage 
Phone: +49 (0)30 293360 – 661
E-Mail: cy5yZWhAZGlwZi5kZQ==

Porträt von Prof. Dr. Katahrina Vogel

Prof. Dr. Katharina Vogel

Professor for Digital History of Education at BBF | Research Library for the History of Education and at Humboldt-University of Berlin

Personal Homepage 
Phone: +49 (0)30 293360 – 966
E-Mail: ay52b2dlbEBkaXBmLmRl


Dr. Tilman Drope

Head of the research unit

Personal Homepage
Phone: +49 (0)30 293360 – 924
E-mail: dC5kcm9wZUBkaXBmLmRl

Dr. Kathrin Berdelmann

Academic staff

Personal Homepage
Phone: +49 (0)30 293360 – 662
E-mail: ay5iZXJkZWxtYW5uQGRpcGYuZGU=

Portrait Daniel Erdmann

Daniel Erdmann, M.A.

Academic staff

Personal Homepage
Tel.: +49 (0) 30 293360 – 657
E-Mail: ZC5lcmRtYW5uQGRpcGYuZGU=

Porträtfoto von Dr. Linda Freyberg

Dr. Linda Freyberg

Academic staff

Personal Homepage
Tel.: +49 (0)30 293360 – 684
E-Mail: bC5mZXliZXJnQGRpcGYuZGU=

Foto Nele Herzog

Nele Herzog, M.A.

Academic staff

Personal Homepage
Phone: +49 (0)30 293360 – 933
E-mail: bi5oZXJ6b2dAZGlwZi5kZQ==

Portait von Dr. Julia Kurig

Dr. Julia Kurig

Academic staff

Personal Homepage
Phone: +49 (0)30 293360 – 630

Denise Löwe, M.A.

Doctoral candidate

Personal Homepage
Phone: +49 (0)30 293360 – 663
E-mail: ZC5sb2V3ZUBkaXBmLmRl

Portrait Marco Lorenz

Marco Lorenz, M.A.

Academic staff

Personal Homepage
Tel.:  +49 (0)30 293360 – 670
E-mail: bS5sb3JlbnpAZGlwZi5kZQ==

Cäcilia von Malotki, M.A.

Academic staff

Phone: 49 (0)30 293360 – 661

Portrait Josefine Wähler

Josefine Wähler, M.A.

Academic staff

Personal Homepage
Tel.: 49 (0)30 293360 – 674
E-mail: ai53YWVobGVyQGRpcGYuZGU=

Associated and Visiting Researchers

Dr. Britta Eiben-Zach

Associated researcher of the BBF (until 09/2019 academic staff member of the BBF)

Personal Homepage
Phone: +49 (0)7071 29 – 74249
E-mail: YnJpdHRhLmVpYmVuLXphY2hAdW5pLXR1ZWJpbmdlbi5kZQ==

Dr. Kerrin von Engelhardt

Associated researcher of the BBF (until 06/2019 academic staff member of the BBF)

Personal Homepage
E-mail: a2VycmluLmtsaW5nZXJAaHUtYmVybGluLmRl

Prof. Dr. Gert Geißler

Associated researcher of the BBF (until 2013 academic staff member of the BBF)

Personal Homepage
Phone: +49 (0)30 293360 – 665
E-mail: Zy5nZWlzc2xlckBkaXBmLmRl

Prof. Dr. Joachim Scholz

Associated researcher of the BBF (until 09/2019 academic staff member of the BBF)

Personal Homepage
Phone: +49 (0)234 – 25731
E-mail: am9hY2hpbS5zY2hvbHpAcnViLmRl

Prof. Dr. Ulrich Wiegmann

Associated researcher of the BBF (until 2017 academic staff member of the BBF)

Personal Homepage
E-Mail: dS53aWVnbWFubkBkaXBmLmRl

Kathrin Zöller, M.A.

Associated researcher of the BBF (until 04/2022 academic staff member of the BBF)

Personal Homepage
E-mail: ay56b2VsbGVyQGRpcGYuZGU=