Educational Science|s? Empiricism(s), Epistemolog(y|ies) and Histor(y|ies) of the Theory Development and Research of Educational Science

The international network »Educational Science|s? Empiricism(s), Epistemolog(y|ies) and Histor(y|ies) of the Theory Development and Research of Educational Science« is a DFG-funded project.

Project Description

The network of educational scientists from Germany, Austria and Swizzerland aims to integrate current empirical and epistemological (qualification) projects from the science of knowledge and science research within the educational science into a structured scientific working context and debate.

By connecting previously autonomously operating (qualification) projects that pursued questions regarding matters of educational science’s history or philosophy of science using a multitude of – partly established, partly innovative – theoretical and methodical settings into one coordinated perspective and a critically constructive working context, the network seeks to utilize the potential of the respective theoretical and methodological programmes beyond their respective locations. 



The research network is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG).

Project Management

Project Details

Project type: Third-Party Funded Project
Current project
02/2020 -10/2025
Contact: Katharina Anna Vogel

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