Materiality of Learning to Read and Write

The volume ‘Die Materialität des Schreiben- und Lesenlernens. Zur Geschichte schulischer Unterweisungspraktiken seit der Mitte des 18. Jahrhunderts“ presents a collection of 16 contributions focusing on the diverse practices and artefacts involved in learning to write and read at school, and their change across a history of two hundred and fifty years.

Project Description

This volume draws on a conference held at the BBF, taking stock of historical developments in practices of learning to read and write. The book thus contributes to educational historical research into instructional and classroom practices. On the one hand, reading and writing are treated as cultivation and aesthetification processes, i.e. as acts of acquiring world knowledge and producing knowledge. On the other hand, reading and writing are seen as elements of subjectification processes. Historically, ideas and concepts emerge in different ways about a subject who is able to read and write, and in which subjects are shaped with certain skills, habits and attitudes.

The contributions link up to current educational scientific and social and cultural historical ideas concerning a 'practical turn‘, demonstrating its usefulness for educational historiography.


Reh, Sabine/Wilde, Denise (Hrsg.) (2016): Die Materialität des Schreiben- und Lesenlernens. Zur Geschichte schulischer Unterweisungspraktiken seit der Mitte des 18. Jahrhunderts. Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt. 325 S.

Selected articles as introduction (PDF):

Reh, Sabine/Wilde, Denise (2016): Die historische Erforschung der Praktiken des Lesen- und Schreibenlernens. Eine Einleitung. In: Reh, Sabine/Wilde, Denise (Hrsg): Die Materialität des Schreiben- und Lesenlernens. Zur Geschichte schulischer Unterweisungspraktiken seit der Mitte des 18. Jahrhunderts. Bad Heilbrunn/Obb.: Verlag Julius Klinkhardt, S. 7-21.

Reimers, Bettina Irina (2016): Ludwig Sütterlins Konzept einer Schrift – Methode und Praxis des Schreibenlernens. In: Reh, Sabine/Wilde, Denise (Hrsg.): Die Materialität des Schreiben- und Lesenlernens. Zur Geschichte schulischer Unterweisungspraktiken seit der Mitte des 18. Jahrhunderts. Bad Heilbrunn/Obb.: Verlag Julius Klinkhardt, S. 231-256.

Project Managemet

Project Details

Project type: Publishing project
Completed Projects
11/2013 – 10/2016
Research field: Historical Practice of School, Instruction and Education
Contact: Sabine Reh