Learning Cultures – Reconstruction of Pedagogical Practices at All-day Schools
This book presents an investigation of learning cultures and different pedagogical provisions offered at all-day schools. Thereby, it illustrates the different paths and type-specific lines of development that can be identified for the all-day schools.
Project Description
Based on four case studies of all-day schools in different federal states, developmental processes are described. Prerequisites and difficulties can thus be explained that are associated to the introduction of all-day schools in a country like Germany, which is traditionally rooted in half-day school systems with their respective learning cultures. The authors use a new “learning cultures“ concept in their analyses. Their terminology allows for the reconstruction of pedagogical activities at individual schools in terms of a tradition which serves as a „developmental pathway“ for possible changes and the reception of reform approaches. Evidently and understandably, typical problems will emerge, for instance the question of dealing with homework.
Reh, Sabine/Fritzsche, Bettina/Idel, Till-Sebastian/Rabenstein, Kerstin (Hrsg.) (2015): Lernkulturen. Rekonstruktion pädagogischer Praktiken an Ganztagsschulen. Wiesbaden: Springer VS. 327 S. (Schule und Gesellschaft. Bd. 47). (Online: DOI 10.1007/978-3-531-94081-6).
Project Management
- Prof. Dr. Sabine Reh (BBF)
- Prof. Dr. Bettina Fritzsche (Pädagogische Hochschule Freiburg)
- Prof. Dr. Till-Sebastian Idel (Universität Bremen)
- Prof. Dr. Kerstin Rabenstein (Georg-August-Universität Göttingen)
Project Details
Project type: | Publishing project |
Status: |
Completed Projects
Duration: |
01/2012 – 01/2015
Contact: | Sabine Reh |