Exploring Collections of Educational History
The BBF invites you to the »19th Symposium of School Museums and Collections of Educational History (SMCEH 19)« held at BBF, June 28–30, 2023.
Making Sources on the History of Education Internationally Accessible
Kick-off meeting for the "International Network of Educational History Collections" (INEHC).
New Research Professorship for Digital History of Education
With a joint appointment, the DIPF | Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education and Humboldt-University of Berlin are strengthening research in the digital history of education. The new professorship for "Historical Educational Research with a Focus on Digital Humanities" has been filled by PD Dr. Katharina Vogel. The research professorship is located in the DIPF department BBF | Research Library for the History of Education. It aims to generate digital methods and tools to gain new insights into historical educational research and at the same time to critically reflect on them.
Call for Papers »19th Symposium of School Museums and Collections of Educational History«
Due to our technical problems we extent the deadline to submit proposals for the »19th Symposium of School Museums and Collections of Educational History« on »Exploring Collections of Educational History« to be held at BBF from 28.06.2023 to 30.06.2023. +++ New deadline: Sunday, 15.1.2023.
Workshop: Picture Archives and the Emergence of Visual History of Education
On Tuesday, August 28, 2018, as part of ISCHE 40 (International Standing Conference for the History of Education) the BBF offers a pre-conference workshop „Picture Archives and the Emergence of Visual History of Education“ on its premises. Registration deadline is Monday, August 6, 2018.
Virtual Workshop "The Picture in Picture Books – Its History and Pedagogical Significance in a Transnational Perspective"
The 4th workshop of the series "PICTURA paedagogica: Pedagogical knowledge in pictures" held virtually on Friday, May 7, 2021, is dedicated to picture book illustrations. +++ Registration deadline: April, 30, 2021
The BBF Kindly Asks for Donations
The BBF has suffered severe damage as a result of a burglary with vandalism. Therefore we need your support!
Considerable Damage at BBF after Burglary
1.3.2021. Unknown villains broke into the office building on Warschauer Straße in Berlin - which houses, among others, the BBF | Library for Research on the History of Education - during the night from Friday to Saturday and caused considerable damage. They destroyed, for example, the drains of washbasins in the toilets and turned on the taps. The water severely affected the newly renovated rooms of the BBF on the floor below. The research library's holdings, including historically important sources, were affected.
ISCHE Pre-Conference Workshop "Creating, Using and Publishing Research Data and Digital Collections in the History of Education"
On Friday, June 11, 2021, the BBF invites to the virtual ISCHE Pre-Conference Workshop "Creating, Using and Publishing Research Data and Digital Collections in the History of Education" .
Workshop »Changing Forms and Formats ‒ Digital Writing and Digital Publishing in the History of Education«
The BBF organizes a Pre-Conference Workshop »Changing Forms and Formats | Digital Writing and Digital Publishing in the History of Education» as part of ISCHE (International Standing Conference for the History of Education) 44 in Budapest, Hungary, on-site on July 17, 2023, 1:00 to 6:00 p.m.